Quell Fire Sprinkler System

Advanced Safety Fire Protection is a Quell Licensed Installer. The Quell Fire Sprinkler System is designed for cold storage and/or unheated warehouses using a "surround and drown" method to save your building and goods stored.

Quell Fire System is a double interlock pre-action system design scenario developed for the protection of high piled storage. Although its original purpose was an alternative means of design for the protection of goods in freezers it may be adapted as an alternative means of design of other high piled storage configurations.

The Quell design concept uses listed sprinkler hardware and components in a double interlock pre-action system configuration as an alternative means of design to allow for the protection of high piled storage in buildings as high as 48ft without the need of in-rack sprinkler systems in a high piled storage configuration. The elimination of in-rack sprinklers averts the potential of an accidental discharge caused by the mechanical failure of a sprinkler or piping damaged from the loading or unloading of material in a rack structure.

The system design combines the hydraulic principles of a sprinkler system with a time delivery requirement to prove the system is able to deliver a specified density of water at a required operating pressure within a maximum time period following release of the pre-action system valve. The innovative design concept offers a new approach to the design of fire protection systems in freezers without the need of in-rack sprinkler technology.

Contact Advanced Safety Fire Protection to learn more about their experience as a Quell Licensed Installer.

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