
“No one will be put at risk to achieve our goals”

Safety is an integral part of our culture at Advanced Safety Fire Protection We have great employees that take pride in performing quality work in a safe manner for all of our customers.

At Advanced Safety Fire Protection we focus on the following set of best practices to achieve our safety goals:

  • Training
    • Employees participate in a minimum of eight hours of computer based and eight hours of classroom based safety training each year.
    • Toolbox meetings are held weekly.
    • Task specific
    • New hire orientation
  • Accountability & Visibility
    • Regular job site safety evaluations are performed by safety and management personnel.
    • A points-based incentive program reinforces positive behaviors. This program is directly tied to our job site evaluations.
    • Job site safety evaluation goals are set annually.
  • Health & Wellness
    • We have a workplace stretching program specifically designed for our industry.
    • Participation in our stretching program extends to all areas of our business including office staff.
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